The United States Department of Defense defines terrorism as “the calculated use of unlawful violence or threat of unlawful violence to inculcate fear; intended to coerce or to intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological.” Within this definition, there are three key elements—violence, fear, and intimidation—and each element produces terror in its victims. The FBI uses this: "Terrorism is the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives." The U.S. Department of State defines "Terrorism" to be "premeditated politically-motivated violence perpetrated against non-combatant targets by sub-national groups or clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience.
Terrorism inIndia
There are three perspectives of terrorism: the terrorist’s, the victim’s, and the general public’s. The phrase “one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter” is a view terrorists themselves would accept. Terrorists do not see themselves as evil. They believe they are legitimate combatants, fighting for what they believe in, by whatever means possible. A victim of a terrorist act sees the terrorist as a criminal with no regard for human life. The general public’s view is the most unstable. The terrorists take great pains to foster a “Robin Hood” image in hope of swaying the general public’s point of view toward their cause. This sympathetic view of terrorism has become an integral part of their psychological warfare and needs to be countered vigorously.
State Terrorism
States can use force or the threat of force, without declaring war, to terrorize citizens and achieve a political goal. Germany under Nazi rule has been described in this way.
It has also been argued that states participate in international terrorism, often by proxy. The United States considers Iran the most prolific sponsor of terrorism because Iran arms groups, such as "Hizbullah", that help carry out its foreign policy objectives. The United States has also been called terrorist, for example through its covert sponsorship of Nicaraguan Contras in the 1980s.
Bio-terrorism refers to the intentional release of toxic biological agents to harm and terrorize civilians, in the name of a political or other cause. Anthrax (Bacillus anthracis), Smallpox (Variola major) etc.
Cyber-terrorists use information technology to attack civilians and draw attention to their cause. This may mean that they use information technology, such as computer systems or telecommunications, as a tool to orchestrate a traditional attack. More often, cyber-terrorism refers to an attack on information technology itself in a way that would radically disrupt networked services. For example, cyber-terrorists could disable networked emergency systems or hack into networks housing critical financial information. There is wide disagreement over the extent of the existing threat by cyberterrorists.
Eco-terrorism is a recently coined term describing violence in the interests of environmentalism. In general, environmental extremists sabotage property to inflict economic damage on industries or actors they see as harming animals or the natural environment. These have included fur companies, logging companies and animal research laboratories.
Nuclear terrorism
"Nuclear terrorism" refers to a number of different ways nuclear materials might be exploited as a terrorist tactic. These include attacking nuclear facilities, purchasing nuclear weapons, or building nuclear weapons or otherwise finding ways to disperse radioactive materials.
Narco-terrorism has had several meanings since its coining in 1983. It once denoted violence used by drug traffickers to influence governments or prevent government efforts to stop the drug trade. In the last several years, narcoterrorism has been used to indicate situations in which terrorist groups use drug trafficking to fund their other operations.
There Are Two Causes of Terrorism
· Social and political injustice: People choose terrorism when they are trying to right what they perceive to be a social or political or historical wrong, when they have been stripped of their land or rights, or denied these.
· The belief that violence or its threat will be effective, and usher in change. Another way of saying this is: the belief that violent means justify the ends. Many terrorists in history said sincerely that they chose violence after long deliberation, because they felt they had no choice.
Terrorism in
financially India lost Rs.50,000 crores and the foreign inflow of funds had reduced which included the tourism that was affected to a great extent but on top of this we have lost the important element which is the precious human lives.
Terrorism is something which all over the world is a major problem at the moment. Its effects are very much that it can detoriate a country's economy and can cause between the countries. Terrorists were not born but they were made in the name of religion. None of the religion preaches terrorism nor ask the followers to take the lives of other people but it was preached by worng leaders and innocent people fall as a prey and lose their lives and kill other people as well.
Terrorism is in different forms in various countries. In Somalia , it is done by pirates where they hijack lot of ships every now and then and get a hefty ransom because of which UNO has asked the member countries to counter attack this by sending their respective force. India has been doing this for a long time wherein Indian Navy has done a great job having prevented lot of ships being hijacked. China is sending its ships soon to that region. In Afghanistan , it was in the name of Taliban who almost ruined their own country. In Iraq, it was in the name of one dictator in the name of Saddam Hussain who is no more but the effect he has created in his won country, will take a decade at least for that country to recover from its current position.
The attack on our own Indian Parliament was also one which again checked our patience. We were always united and doing action like these will make us even more unite and fight more strongly than ever against it.
Terrorism affects innocent people because people in Bangalore clearly witnessed the effect in UK bombing where in a Doctor was added as a Prime Suspect just because he is a Muslim and finally he was relieved after he proved himself as being innocent. There are many cases like this across the globe for years together.
Terrorists don't understand that by acting in the name of terrorism, they are bringing disgrace to their own religion and at the same time ruining their own country and people and when they are no more, hardly they could realize the damage they have done and if we have another life or the so called Spirits, these people will realise and make this world a safe and a peaceful place to live in...
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